
Halloween Candy Buy Back Events in Reston

October 29, 2017

I know Halloween isn't until Tuesday, but chances are your family has already accumulated a ton of candy from all of the fun family-friendly Halloween events in Reston, Herndon & Great Falls. If you are looking for candy buy-back events or places to donate candy in Reston, here are some ideas:

Tisseront Orthodontic's 12th Annual Buy Back Event- Nov 6 from 12-4pm at Tisseront Orthodontics in Plaza America. Dr. Tisseront donates $2 per pound of candy: $1 goes to the child donating, and $1 goes directly to Children’s National Medical Center in D.C. But it doesn’t stop there. Not only do they donate money to a great cause, they package up the candy and deliver it to our troops overseas! A letter-writing station is also set up during the event so the community can write letters of appreciation and draw pictures to send to our troops; each box of candy is accompanied by two to three letters. Local businesses such as Pitango, Mayflowers, Ben & Jerry’s, Clyde’s and the Skating Rink at Reston Town Center have all donated prizes for this popular community event. Many students volunteer to box up all that candy as well, so if your child needs service hours, give them a call!

Pediatric Dentistry of Reston's Candy Buy-back Days: They are donating the candy they receive to the Wounded Warriors and their families. If you choose to donate the cash from the buy back or even just want to donate money, all monetary donations will benefit Relief International’s Project Turquoise. If the times and days don't work for you, you can call their office to arrange a drop-off.

You can also donate candy to the Ronald McDonald House or Cornerstones year-round. 

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